When you rent out things for repair, you have to ask for a price. Here the client could not pay, and the master offered her to repay the debt $ 500 with her body. That's a good price even for a decent girl. Apparently this thought also came into her pretty head - the gadget is more expensive. Well, when she saw his powerful cock, the remnants of pride completely evaporated. Good decision - clever blonde!
If you really think about it, favoring is an understatement, ugh, how she climbed up on them and sat on two shafts.
A very slender and cute girl. Of course, she is not quite experienced yet and sucks ineptly, but she will learn it quickly. Her boyfriend is experienced, his dick is big and roasts with intelligence. After bouncing on his shaft a few times, she quickly gets a taste for it. The chick's clitoris is large, so she is attracted to sex and enjoys it. Cumming is no problem for her. I hope the girl will have many more partners soon. She's very sexy.
♪ no problem, I'll do it ♪
A very slender and cute girl. Of course, she is not quite experienced yet and sucks ineptly, but she will learn it quickly. Her boyfriend is experienced, his dick is big and roasts with intelligence. After bouncing on his shaft a few times, she quickly gets a taste for it. The chick's clitoris is large, so she is attracted to sex and enjoys it. Cumming is no problem for her. I hope the girl will have many more partners soon. She's very sexy.
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She's a great girl. I'm in love with her too.